Driver's Manuals: Printed Class D and Motorcycle manuals cost $7 and Commercial Manuals cost $10.Marriage Licenses - Marriage Applications accepted until 4:00 p.m.
Motor Vehicle Licensing and Registration - Title Applications accepted until 4:00 p.m.Minnesota's REAL ID Driver's License and Identification Cards are now offered. You can also review where your license is in the approval process, check the status of your driving privileges, and much more. Visit Online Services at DVS to pre-apply for a Driver's License or ID. If you do not have your notice, fill out the Registration Form and include it with the rest of your documents in the dropbox outside the main License Center doors or mail it to our office. You may also utilize the walk-up window for this service. Place all information in the dropbox outside the License Center on 5th Street, Door B, or mail to the License Center at 410 South 5th Street, PO Box 3524, Mankato, MN 56001. If you have your notice, complete the insurance information, include both halves of the document and payment. Register Your Vehicle with or without your Notice